Overview upper extremity
Shoulder girdle
Bone combination of the scapula and clavicle connecting the upper extremity to the trunk
S-shaped tubular bone of the shoulder girdle
Shoulder blade
Posterior flat bone of the shoulder girdle
Humerus bone as the longest bone of the upper extremity
Hand bones
27 Bones forming the skeleton of the hand
Carpal bones
Short bones of the carpus between forearm bone and metacarpal bone
Metacarpal bones
Bones of the metacarpus between the carpal and phalangeal bones
Finger bones
Bony support elements of the fingers
Shoulder joint muscles
Skeletal muscles of the shoulder joint
Shoulder girdle muscles
Skeletal muscles of the shoulder girdle
Upper arm muscles
Skeletal muscles of the upper arm
Forearm muscles
Skeletal muscles of the forearm
Acromioclavicular joint
Joint between clavicle and scapula
Sternoclavicular joint
Joint between clavicle and sternum
Elbow joint
Gelenk zwischen Ober- und Unterarm
Joint between the forearm bones and carpal bones
Finger joints
Joints between the individual finger bones
Arm nerves
Arm nerves
Arm Vessels
Ateries and veins of the arm