
Aus Dornheim Anatomy
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The colon also has a characteristic morphology. The longitudinally striated musculature (stratum longitudinale of the tunica muscularis) is not stretched over the entire wall, but forms three separate longitudinal muscle strips, the taenia coli: Taenia libera, Taenia omentalis, Taenia mesocolica. These stretch over all sections of the colon, except for the rectum and vermiform appendix.
Furthermore, there are protrusions of the uppermost wall layer, the appendices omentales on all sections with the exception of the appendix and rectum.
The characteristic bulges of the wall of the colon are called Haustren (lat. Haustra coli). These are delimited by the plicae semilunares coli (transverse folds of the wall). They are formed by contraction of the longitudinally striated musculature and have no fixed localization, but move from oral to aboral direction due to peristalsis.