
Aus Dornheim Anatomy
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Projection on the hull

In the ventral view, it can be seen that the colon forms a frame around the loops of the small intestine. The most orally located piece is in the right lower abdomen. Here is the junction of the small intestine via the ostium ileale or the Bauhin valve (small intestine-appendix valve). Caudal to this junction, the large intestine terminates in a factitious duct, the appendix (lat. Caecum) mit dem Wurmfortsatz (lat. Appendix vermiformis). However, the location of the caecum is highly variable.
The colon begins above the caecum. The part ascending towards the liver is called Colon ascendens. After a bend below the liver (Flexura coli dextra) follows the transition into the transverse colon (lat. Colon transversum), which runs horizontally through the abdominal cavity. With the Flexura coli sinistra the transverse colon finally turns again and runs descending as descending colon towards the pelvis. Der anschließende Teil des Colon sigmoideum zieht sich dorsal zum Kreuzbein, biegt dorsal ab und geht schließlich in den Enddarm über, welcher außerhalb der Bauchhöhle liegt. Der Enddarm wird in Mastdarm (lat. Rectum) und Analkanal bzw. After unterteilt.