
Aus Dornheim Anatomy
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Proximal tarsal bones

The calcaneus (heel bone) is the largest tarsal bone and the site of attachment for the Achilles tendon, the thickest and strongest tendon in the human body. The shape of the calcaneus is similar to a cuboid. There is a bony projection at the rear end, the calcaneal tuberosity (tuber calcanei). This forms the heel of the foot. On the underside of the calcaneal tuberosity there are two bone structures that are directed forward. These are the Proc. medialis tuberis calcanei and the Proc. lateralis tuberis calcanei. The Proc. anterior calcanei is located at the front of the calcaneus. The articular facies cuboidea is located on it. This is the articular surface that articulates with the cuboid bone. Medial to the calcaneus there is a bony protrusion, the Sustentaculum tali. On top of it is the Facies articularis talaris media. The upper side of the calcaneus also has two other joint surfaces, the facies articularis talaris anterior and the facies articulas talaris posterior. The sulcus calcanei is located between the facies articularis talaris media and the facies articularis talaris posterior. The tarsi sinus is a tunnel-shaped channel formed between the calcaneus and the talus by two bony depressions (calcaneus and tali sulcus). In this channel there are several ligaments which are important for the stability of the ankle joint.