
Aus Dornheim Anatomy
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The shaft forms the strong middle part of the thigh bone and begins below the rolling mounds. The dorsally located reinforcement bar (Linea aspera) serves as an attachment for almost all femoral adductors, but also ensures high stability with a small diameter.

The Linea aspera consists of a central (Labium medial) and a lateral groin (Labium lateral). In the middle of the shaft both groins are still close together. However, they divide up and down. Proximally, the labium laterale merges into a rough surface ( tuberositas glutaea) and the labium medial is continued by the line pectina under the small rolling mound. Distally the two groins divide into the Linea supracondylaris medialis and Linea supracondylaris lateralis. These two lines limit the triangular bone field Facies poplitea.