Speiseröhre/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus Dornheim Anatomy
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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
The '''esophagus''' (Latin '''Oesophagus''') is a muscular tube that, as part of the digestive system, carries swallowed food from the pharynx to the [[Special:MyLanguage/Magen|stomach]] by means of peristaltic movements.
The '''oesophagus''' (Latin '''Oesophagus''') is a muscular tube that, as part of the digestive system, carries swallowed food from the pharynx to the [[Special:MyLanguage/Magen|stomach]] by means of peristaltic movements.
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Zeile 65: Zeile 64:
The human esophagus is approximately 23-27 centimeters long and has a diameter of 1-2 centimeters. It can be divided into three sections:
The human esophagus is approximately 23-27 centimeters long and has a diameter of 1-2 centimeters. It can be divided into three sections:
Der '''Pars cervicalis''' erstreckt sich von HWK 6 bis BWK 1 und liegt vor der Wirbelsäule im Bereich des Halses. <br>
The '''pars cervicalis''' extends from HWK 6 to BWK 1 and lies anterior to the spine in the region of the neck. <br>
Der '''Pars thoracica''' bildet den längsten Abschnitt und liegt im oberen sowie hinteren Mediastinum (Mediastinum superius und Mediastinum posterius). Er verläuft von BWK 1 bis etwa BWK 11, wo sich der Durchgang durch das Zwerchfell befindet. <br>
The pars thoracica is the longest section and is located in the upper and posterior mediastinum (mediastinum superius and mediastinum posterius). It runs from BWK 1 to about BWK 11, where the passage through the diaphragm is located. <br>
Den kürzesten Abschnitt bildet der '''Pars abdominalis'''. Dieser reicht vom Durchstoß durch das Zwerchfell bis zum Eingang des Magens (lat. Cardia). Zudem befindet er sich bereits in der Peritonealhöhle (lat. Cavitas peritonealis).
The shortest section is the '''pars abdominalis'''. This extends from the piercing of the diaphragm to the entrance of the stomach (lat. Cardia). In addition, it is already in the peritoneal cavity (lat. Cavitas peritonealis).
===Projektion auf den Rumpf===
===Projection onto the trunk===
Bedingt durch die enge Beziehung zu den Nachbarorganen weist die Speiseröhre drei Engstellen auf.   
Due to its close relationship with neighboring organs, the esophagus has three narrowing points.   
Der '''Ösophagusmund''' bezeichnet die oberste und engste Stelle (''Constrictio pharyngooesophagealis''). Diese liegt in der Pars cervicalis auf der Höhe des Ringknorpels des Kehlkopfes und misst im maximalen  Durchmesser circa 14 Millimeter. Ausgehend vom Ringknorpel des Kehlkopfes legen sich Muskeln um den Ösophagusmund und verschließen diesen in Form eines Schließmuskels, der in Ruhe geschlossen ist.  
The '''esophageal orifice''' refers to the uppermost and narrowest part (''constrictio pharyngooesophagealis''). This is located in the pars cervicalis at the level of the cricoid cartilage of the larynx and measures approximately 14 millimeters in maximum diameter. Starting from the cricoid cartilage of the larynx, muscles surround the esophageal orifice and close it in the form of a sphincter, which is closed at rest.  
Die mittlere Engstelle (''Constrictio partis thoracicae'') in der Pars thoracica wird auch als '''Aortenenge''' bezeichnet. Diese entsteht durch die Einengung der Speiseröhre durch den linken Hauptbronchus und den Aortenbogen im Bereich des BWK 4/5. Der maximale Durchmesser beträgt hier 14 Millimeter.  
The middle constriction (''Constrictio partis thoracicae'') in the pars thoracica is also called '''aortic stenosis'''. This is caused by the constriction of the esophagus by the left main bronchus and the aortic arch in the area of BWK 4/5. The maximum diameter here is 14 millimeters.  
Die untere Enge (''Constrictio phrenica'') entsteht durch den Durchtritt der Speiseröhre durch das Zwerchfell zu Beginn der Pars abdominalis und wird '''Zwerchfellenge''' genannt. Durch die anliegende Längsspannung der Muskulatur und durch die Venen der Ösophaguswand wird ein funktioneller Verschluss der Speiseröhre gewährleistet. In Ruhe (außerhalb des Schluckaktes) ist der unter Teil der Speiseröhre (Pars abdominalis) permanent verschlossen.
The inferior constriction (''constrictio phrenica'') results from the esophagus passing through the diaphragm at the beginning of the pars abdominalis and is called '''diaphragmatic constriction'''. Functional closure of the esophagus is ensured by the adjacent longitudinal tension of the musculature and by the veins of the esophageal wall. At rest (outside the act of swallowing), the lower part of the esophagus (pars abdominalis) is permanently closed.
===Lage im Horizontalschnitt===
===Position in horizontal section===
In der Sicht auf den [[Special:MyLanguage/Thorax|Thorax]] von ventral liegt die Speiseröhre überwiegend im unteren Teil und ist bezogen auf die Medianlinie durch die links von ihr verlaufende Aorta leicht nach rechts verschoben. Ein Stück unterhalb des ''Proc. xiphoideus sterni'' tritt sie durch das [[Special:MyLanguage/Zwerchfell|Zwerchfell]] in die Peritonealhöhle ein.
In the ventral view of the [[Special:MyLanguage/Thorax|thorax]], the esophagus lies predominantly in the lower part and is slightly displaced to the right with respect to the median line by the aorta running to its left. A little below the ''Proc. xiphoideus sterni'' it enters the peritoneal cavity through the [[Special:MyLanguage/Zwerchfell|diaphragm]].
===Beziehung zu Nachbarorganen===
===Relationship to neighbouring organs===
Unmittelbar an der vorderen Seite der Speiseröhre verläuft die [[Special:MyLanguage/Luftröhre|Luftröhre]] bis zu ihrer Aufteilung in die beiden Hauptbronchien (lat. ''Bifurcatio tracheae''). Durch eine Vielzahl von Bindegewebszügeln ist die Vorderwand der Speiseröhre mit der Rückwand der Luftröhre verbunden. <br>
Immediately on the anterior side of the esophagus runs the [[Special:MyLanguage/Luftröhre|trachea]] until it divides into the two main bronchi (Latin ''bifurcatio tracheae''). The anterior wall of the esophagus is connected to the posterior wall of the trachea by a multitude of connective tissue reins. <br>
Unterhalb der Struktur der Luftröhrengabel, im unteren Mediastinum (lat. ''Mediastinum inferius''), liegt die Speiseröhre eng am linken Herzvorhof und der Aorta thoracica anWeiterhin verläuft die Aorta zunächst links der Speiseröhre nach kaudal und kommt kurz vor dem Eintritt der Speiseröhre in das Zwerchfell hinter dieser zu liegen.   
Below the structure of the tracheal bifurcation, in the lower mediastinum (Latin ''mediastinum inferius''), the esophagus lies close to the left atrium and the thoracic aortaFurthermore, the aorta initially runs caudally to the left of the esophagus and comes to rest behind the esophagus shortly before it enters the diaphragm.   
===Lage In situ===
===Position In situ===
Die Speiseröhre weist neben den Engstellen auch charakteristische Krümmungen auf.   
The esophagus has characteristic curvatures in addition to strictures.   
Die '''obere Krümmung''' verläuft in der Ansicht von ventral in der Pars cervicalis nach links. Die '''mittlere Krümmung''' liegt im Bereich der Pars thoracica und verläuft bedingt durch die nahe Aorta thoracica nach rechts. Die '''untere Krümmung''' in der Pars abdominalis wendet sich nun wieder nach links.  
The '''upper curvature''' runs in the view from ventral in the pars cervicalis to the left. The '''middle curvature''' is in the pars thoracica and runs to the right due to the nearby thoracic aorta. The '''inferior curvature''' in the pars abdominalis now turns back to the left.  
Betrachtet man die Speiseröhre in der Sagittalebene, so ist zu erkennen, dass diese dem Wirbelsäulenverlauf folgt und leicht konkav nach vorn gebogen ist.
If the esophagus is viewed in the sagittal plane, it can be seen that it follows the course of the spine and is curved forward in a slightly concave manner.
*[[Special:MyLanguage/gastroösophageale Refluxkrankheit|gastroösophageale Refluxkrankheit]]
*[[Special:MyLanguage/gastroösophageale Refluxkrankheit|gastroesophageal reflux disease]]
*[[Special:MyLanguage/Speiseröhrenkrebs|Esophageal cancer]]
==Freies Explorieren==
==Free exploration==
<div style="float:left;margin-right:1em;"><segmenter-embedding wsemb-id="Speiseroehre" file="Speiseroehre.seg" height="300" width="400"/></div>
<div style="float:left;margin-right:1em;"><segmenter-embedding public wsemb-id="Speiseroehre" file="Speiseroehre.seg" height="300" width="400"/></div>
<div style="float:left;width:50%">Schauen Sie sich die Struktur der Speiseröhre in 3D an und explorieren Sie sie frei. Danach können Sie Ihr erlerntes Wissen durch die Übungsaufgaben überprüfen.</div>
<div style="float:left;width:50%">Look at the structure of the esophagus in 3D and explore it freely. Afterwards, you can check your learned knowledge through the exercise tasks.</div>
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Zeile 121: Zeile 120:
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<div style="center"><b><li class="mw-ui-button button_new" >[[Special:MyLanguage/Übungsaufgaben|ÜBUNGSAUFGABEN]]</li></b></div>
<div><li class="mw-ui-button button_new" >[[Special:MyLanguage/Übungsaufgaben|Exercises]]</li></div>
Zeile 127: Zeile 126:
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<li class="button_article button_normal"><b>WEITERE ARTIKEL</b></li>
<li class="button_article button_normal"><b>Further article</b></li>
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<div class="menu_item">
<li class="mw-ui-button button_normal">[[Special:MyLanguage/Magen_(Gaster)|Magen]]</li>
<li class="mw-ui-button button_normal">[[Special:MyLanguage/Magen|Stomach]]</li>
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<div class="menu_item">
<li class="mw-ui-button button_normal">[[Special:MyLanguage/Kehlkopf|Kehlkopf]]</li>
<li class="mw-ui-button button_normal">[[Special:MyLanguage/Kehlkopf|Larynx]]</li>
Zeile 141: Zeile 140:
[[Category:Digestive system]]

Aktuelle Version vom 15. September 2022, 07:20 Uhr

The esophagus (Latin Oesophagus) is a muscular tube that, as part of the digestive system, carries swallowed food from the pharynx to the stomach by means of peristaltic movements.


Anatomie der Speiseröhre


The human esophagus is approximately 23-27 centimeters long and has a diameter of 1-2 centimeters. It can be divided into three sections:

The pars cervicalis extends from HWK 6 to BWK 1 and lies anterior to the spine in the region of the neck.
The pars thoracica is the longest section and is located in the upper and posterior mediastinum (mediastinum superius and mediastinum posterius). It runs from BWK 1 to about BWK 11, where the passage through the diaphragm is located.
The shortest section is the pars abdominalis. This extends from the piercing of the diaphragm to the entrance of the stomach (lat. Cardia). In addition, it is already in the peritoneal cavity (lat. Cavitas peritonealis).

Projection onto the trunk

Due to its close relationship with neighboring organs, the esophagus has three narrowing points.

The esophageal orifice refers to the uppermost and narrowest part (constrictio pharyngooesophagealis). This is located in the pars cervicalis at the level of the cricoid cartilage of the larynx and measures approximately 14 millimeters in maximum diameter. Starting from the cricoid cartilage of the larynx, muscles surround the esophageal orifice and close it in the form of a sphincter, which is closed at rest.

The middle constriction (Constrictio partis thoracicae) in the pars thoracica is also called aortic stenosis. This is caused by the constriction of the esophagus by the left main bronchus and the aortic arch in the area of BWK 4/5. The maximum diameter here is 14 millimeters.

The inferior constriction (constrictio phrenica) results from the esophagus passing through the diaphragm at the beginning of the pars abdominalis and is called diaphragmatic constriction. Functional closure of the esophagus is ensured by the adjacent longitudinal tension of the musculature and by the veins of the esophageal wall. At rest (outside the act of swallowing), the lower part of the esophagus (pars abdominalis) is permanently closed.

Position in horizontal section

In the ventral view of the thorax, the esophagus lies predominantly in the lower part and is slightly displaced to the right with respect to the median line by the aorta running to its left. A little below the Proc. xiphoideus sterni it enters the peritoneal cavity through the diaphragm.

Relationship to neighbouring organs

Immediately on the anterior side of the esophagus runs the trachea until it divides into the two main bronchi (Latin bifurcatio tracheae). The anterior wall of the esophagus is connected to the posterior wall of the trachea by a multitude of connective tissue reins.
Below the structure of the tracheal bifurcation, in the lower mediastinum (Latin mediastinum inferius), the esophagus lies close to the left atrium and the thoracic aorta. Furthermore, the aorta initially runs caudally to the left of the esophagus and comes to rest behind the esophagus shortly before it enters the diaphragm.

Position In situ

The esophagus has characteristic curvatures in addition to strictures.

The upper curvature runs in the view from ventral in the pars cervicalis to the left. The middle curvature is in the pars thoracica and runs to the right due to the nearby thoracic aorta. The inferior curvature in the pars abdominalis now turns back to the left.

If the esophagus is viewed in the sagittal plane, it can be seen that it follows the course of the spine and is curved forward in a slightly concave manner.


Free exploration

Look at the structure of the esophagus in 3D and explore it freely. Afterwards, you can check your learned knowledge through the exercise tasks.

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