Obere Extremität/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus Dornheim Anatomy
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Die oberen Extremitäten des Menschen umfassen den Schultergürtel sowie die freien oberen Extremitäten (Arme). Der [[Special:MyLanguage/Schultergürtel|Schultergürtel]] besteht aus folgenden Knochen: [[Special:MyLanguage/Schlüsselbein|Clavicula]] und [[Special:MyLanguage/Schulterblatt|Scapula]]. Dort befinden sich das [[Special:MyLanguage/Akromioklavikulargelenk|Akromioklavikulargelenk]] und das [[Special:MyLanguage/Sternoklavilargelenk|Sternoklavilargelenk]]. [[Special:MyLanguage/Oberarmknochen|Humerus]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Elle|Ulna]] und [[Special:MyLanguage/Speiche|Radius]] bilden dagegen die knöcherne Struktur des Armes. Sie sind durch das [[Special:MyLanguage/Ellenbogengelenk|Ellenbogengelenk]] verbunden. Die Verbindung zu den [[Special:MyLanguage/Handknochen|Handknochen]] besteht über das [[Special:MyLanguage/Handgelenk|Handgelenk]]. Die Hand besteht aus den <i>Ossa metacarpi</i>, <i>Ossa carpi</i> und <i>Ossa digitorum</i> und besitzt eine Reihe von Fingergelenken. Die [[Special:MyLanguage/Muskulatur_Obere_Extremität|Muskulatur]] wird in die [[Special:MyLanguage/Schultergelenkmuskulatur|Schultergelenkmuskulatur]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Schultergürtelmuskulatur|Schultergürtelmuskulatur]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Oberarmmuskulatur|Oberarmmuskulatur]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Unterarmmuskulatur|Unterarmmuskulatur]] und die [[Special:MyLanguage/Kurze_Handmuskulatur|kurze Handmuskulatur]] unterteilt.
The upper extremities of the human body include the shoulder girdle and the free upper extremities (arms). The [[Special:MyLanguage/Shoulder girdle|Shoulder girdle]] consists of the following bones: [[Special:MyLanguage/Clavicle|clavicle]] and [[Special:MyLanuage/Shoulder blade|scapula]]. The acromioclavicular joint and the sternoclavilar joint are located there. [[Special:MyLanguage/Upper Arm Bone|Humerus]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Ulna|ulna]] and [[Special:MyLanguage/Radius|radius]], on the other hand, form the bony structure of the arm. They are connected by the elbow joint. The connection to the hand bones is via the wrist. The hand consists of the metacarpal bones, carpal bones and bones of digiti and has a number of finger joints. The muscles are divided into the shoulder joint muscles, shoulder girdle muscles, upper arm muscles, forearm muscles and the short hand muscles.
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Anatomie der oberen Extremität</div>
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Version vom 25. Mai 2020, 13:50 Uhr

The upper extremities of the human body include the shoulder girdle and the free upper extremities (arms). The Shoulder girdle consists of the following bones: clavicle and scapula. The acromioclavicular joint and the sternoclavilar joint are located there. Humerus, ulna and radius, on the other hand, form the bony structure of the arm. They are connected by the elbow joint. The connection to the hand bones is via the wrist. The hand consists of the metacarpal bones, carpal bones and bones of digiti and has a number of finger joints. The muscles are divided into the shoulder joint muscles, shoulder girdle muscles, upper arm muscles, forearm muscles and the short hand muscles.

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