Fußwurzelknochen/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Der Fuß beinhaltet sieben Fußwurzelknochen. Sie dienen zum Tragen des Gewichtes und werden in distale und proximale Fußknochen unterteilt.
The foot contains seven tarsal bones. They serve to carry the weight and are divided into distal and proximal foot bones.
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<div>[[Special:MyLanguage/Übungsaufgaben: Untere Extremität|Lower extremity]]</div>
<div>[[Special:MyLanguage/Übungsaufgabe: Fußknochen|Foot bones]]</div>
<div>[[Special:MyLanguage/Übungsaufgabe: Fußwurzelknochen|Phalanges]]</div>
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<ul>'''Anschließende Strukturen:'''<li class="mw-ui-button button_new">[[Special:MyLanguage/Unterschenkelknochen|UNTERSCHENKELKNOCHEN]]</li><li class="mw-ui-button button_new">[[Special:MyLanguage/Mittelfußknochen|MITTELFUSSKNOCHEN]]</li><li class="mw-ui-button button_new">[[Special:MyLanguage/Tibia|TIBIA]]</li><li class="mw-ui-button button_new">[[Special:MyLanguage/Fibula|FIBULA]]</li></ul></div>
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<ul>'''Übergeordnete Strukturen'''<li class="mw-ui-button button_new">[[Special:MyLanguage/Fußknochen|FUSSKNOCHEN]]</li><li class="mw-ui-button button_new">[[Special:MyLanguage/Knochen Untere Extremität|KNOCHEN UNTERE EXTREMITÄT]]</li><li class="mw-ui-button button_new">[[Special:MyLanguage/Untere Extremität|UNTERE EXTREMITÄT]]</li><li class="mw-ui-button button_new">[[Special:MyLanguage/Körperregionen|KÖRPERREGIONEN]]</li></ul></div>
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<div class="dropbtnart">[[Special:MyLanguage/Organsystem|Organ system]]</div>
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<div>[[Special:MyLanguage/Kurze Knochen|Short bones]]</div>
<div>[[Special:MyLanguage/Passiver Bewegungsapparat|Passive movement apparatus]]</div>
<div>[[Special:MyLanguage/Bewegungsapparat|Movement apparatus]]</div>
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<lightbox-embedding src="file:Tarsus1.png" group="image-group-1" caption="Ansicht der Fußwurzelknochen (Dorsum pedis)" width="400" height="300" style="width:300px; height:300px;float:left;margin:1px;background-color:#fff;border:1px solid #c8ccd1;display: flex;justify-content: center;"/>
<lightbox-embedding src="file:Tarsus1.png" group="image-group-1" caption="View of the tarsal bones (Dorsum pedis)" width="400" height="300" style="width:300px; height:300px;float:left;margin:1px;background-color:#fff;border:1px solid #c8ccd1;display: flex;justify-content: center;"/>
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<lightbox-embedding src="file:Tarsus2.png" group="image-group-1" caption="Ansicht der Fußwurzelknochen (Planta pedis)"/> <lightbox-embedding src="file:TarsusKnochenBeschriftet1.png" group="image-group-1" caption="Anatomie der Fußwurzelknochen (Dorsum pedis)"/> <lightbox-embedding src="file:TarsusKnochenBeschriftet2.png" group="image-group-1" caption="Anatomie der Fußwurzelknochen(Planta pedis)"/>  
<lightbox-embedding src="file:Tarsus2.png" group="image-group-1" caption="View of the tarsal bones (Planta pedis)"/> <lightbox-embedding src="file:TarsusKnochenBeschriftet1.png" group="image-group-1" caption="Anatomy of the tarsal bones (Dorsum pedis)"/> <lightbox-embedding src="file:TarsusKnochenBeschriftet2.png" group="image-group-1" caption="Anatomy of the tarsal bones (Planta pedis)"/>  
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Anatomie der Fußwurzelknochen</div>
Anatomy of the tarsal bones</div>
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<lightbox-embedding src="file:Calcaneus1.png" group="image-group-1" caption="Ansicht des Calcaneus (Dorsum pedis)" width="400" height="300" style="width:300px; height:300px;float:left;margin:1px;background-color:#fff;border:1px solid #c8ccd1;display: flex;justify-content: center;"/>
<lightbox-embedding src="file:Calcaneus1.png" group="image-group-1" caption="View of the calcaneus (Dorsum pedis)" width="400" height="300" style="width:300px; height:300px;float:left;margin:1px;background-color:#fff;border:1px solid #c8ccd1;display: flex;justify-content: center;"/>
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<lightbox-embedding src="file:Calcaneus2.png" group="image-group-1" caption="Ansicht des Calcaneus (Planta pedis)"/> <lightbox-embedding src="file:CalcaneusBeschriftet.png" group="image-group-1" caption="Anatomie des Calcaneus (Dorsum pedis)"/> <lightbox-embedding src="file:Calcaneus Beschriftet2.png" group="image-group-1" caption="Anatomie des Calcaneus (Planta pedis)"/> <lightbox-embedding src="file:Talus1.png" group="image-group-1" caption="Ansicht des Talus (Dorsum pedis)"/>
<lightbox-embedding src="file:Calcaneus2.png" group="image-group-1" caption="View of the calcaneus (Planta pedis)"/> <lightbox-embedding src="file:CalcaneusBeschriftet.png" group="image-group-1" caption="Anatomy of the calcaneus (Dorsum pedis)"/> <lightbox-embedding src="file:Calcaneus Beschriftet2.png" group="image-group-1" caption="Anatomy of the calcaneus (Planta pedis)"/> <lightbox-embedding src="file:Talus1.png" group="image-group-1" caption="View of the talus (Dorsum pedis)"/>
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<lightbox-embedding src="file:Talus2.png" group="image-group-1" caption="Ansicht des Talus (Planta pedis)"/> <lightbox-embedding src="file:TalusBeschriftet1.png" group="image-group-1" caption="Anatomie des Talus (Dorsum pedis)"/> <lightbox-embedding src="file:TalusBeschriftet2.png" group="image-group-1" caption="Anatomie des Talus (Planta pedis)"/>
<lightbox-embedding src="file:Talus2.png" group="image-group-1" caption="View of the talus (Planta pedis)"/> <lightbox-embedding src="file:TalusBeschriftet1.png" group="image-group-1" caption="Anatomy of the talus (Dorsum pedis)"/> <lightbox-embedding src="file:TalusBeschriftet2.png" group="image-group-1" caption="Anatomy of the talus (Planta pedis)"/>
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Anatomie des Calcaneus und des Talus </div>
Anatomy of the calcaneus and talus </div>
Die <b>Fußwurzel</b> (Tarsus) liegt zwischen Unterschenkel und Mittelfuß. Sie besteht aus sieben einzelnen Knochen. Sie werden in die proximalen und distalen Fußwurzelknochen unterteilt.
The <b>foot root</b> (tarsus) lies between the lower leg and the metatarsus. It consists of seven individual bones. They are divided into the proximal and distal tarsal bones.
===Proximale Fußwurzelknochen===
===Proximal tarsal bones===
Der Calcaneus (Fersenbein) ist der größte Fußwurzelknochen und Ansatzort für die Achillessehne, die dickste und stärkste Sehne im menschlichen Körper. Die Form des Fersenbeins gleicht in etwa einem Quader. Dabei befindet sich am hinteren Ende ein knöcherner Vorsprung, der Fersenhöcker (Tuber calcanei). Durch diesen wird die Ferse des Fußes gebildet. An der Unterseite des Fersenhöckers sind zwei nach vorne gerichtete Knochenstrukturen zu finden. Diese sind der Proc. medialis tuberis calcanei und der Proc. lateralis tuberis calacnei. Der Proc. anterior calcanei befindet sich an der vorderen Seite des Fersenbeins. An ihm befindet sich die Facies articularis cuboidea. Dies ist die Gelenkfläche, die mit dem dem Würfelbein artikuliert. Medial am Fersenbein liegt ein Knochenvorsprung, der Sustentaculum tali. Auf ihm befindet sich die Facies articularis talaris media. Auch der oberen Seite des Calcaneus liegen zwei weiteren Gelenkflächen, die Facies articularis talaris anterior und die Facies articulas talaris posterior. Der Sulcus calcanei befindet sich zwischen der Facies articularis talaris media und der Facies articularis talaris posterior. Der Sinus tarsi ist ein tunnelförmiger Kanal, der zwischen dem Fersenbein und dem Sprungbein von zwei Knochenvertiefungen (Sulcus calcanei und Sulcus tali) gebildet wird. In diesem Kanal befinden sich mehrere Bänder, die für die Stabilität des Sprunggelenks wichtig sind.
The calcaneus (heel bone) is the largest tarsal bone and the site of attachment for the Achilles tendon, the thickest and strongest tendon in the human body. The shape of the calcaneus is similar to a cuboid. There is a bony projection at the rear end, the calcaneal tuberosity (tuber calcanei). This forms the heel of the foot. On the underside of the calcaneal tuberosity there are two bone structures that are directed forward. These are the Proc. medialis tuberis calcanei and the Proc. lateralis tuberis calcanei. The Proc. anterior calcanei is located at the front of the calcaneus. The articular facies cuboidea is located on it. This is the articular surface that articulates with the cuboid bone. Medial to the calcaneus there is a bony protrusion, the Sustentaculum tali. On top of it is the Facies articularis talaris media. The upper side of the calcaneus also has two other joint surfaces, the facies articularis talaris anterior and the facies articulas talaris posterior. The sulcus calcanei is located between the facies articularis talaris media and the facies articularis talaris posterior. The tarsi sinus is a tunnel-shaped channel formed between the calcaneus and the talus by two bony depressions (calcaneus and tali sulcus). In this channel there are several ligaments which are important for the stability of the ankle joint.
Das Sprungbein (Talus) verbindet den Fuß mit dem Bein. Somit hat es die Aufgabe die durch das Körpergewicht entstehenden Kräfte auf das Fußgewölbe zu übertragen. Es bildet außerdem die Gelenkfläche zum oberen (Articulatio talocruralis) und unteren Sprunggelenk (Articulatio talotarsalis). Es lässt sich in zwei Strukturen teilen, den Corpus tali und den Sprungbeinkopf (Caput tali). Auf der oberen Seite des Sprungbeins befindet sich eine konvexe Knochenstruktur, die Sprungbeinrolle (Trochlea tali). Medial davon liegt die Gelenkfläche des Innenknöchels (Facies malleolaris medialis). Lateral an diese Fläche schließt sich ein Knochenvorsprung, der Proc. posterior tali, an. Der Außenknöchel trifft lateral des Sprungbeinkopfes über die Facies malleolaris lateralis an das Sprungbein. Der Proc. lateralis tali geht seitlich von dieser Fläche ab. Am Sprungbeinkopf befindet sich die Gelenkfläche für das Kahnbein (Facies articularis navicularis). Der nach hinten vorstehende Knochenvorsprung heißt Proc. posterior tali und wird durch die Sulcus tendinis musculi flexoris hallucis longi in zwei Abschnitte geteilt. An der Unterseite des Knochens befinden sich drei Gelenkflächen, die Facies articularis calcanea anterior, Facies articularis calcanea media und Facies articularis calcanea posterior. Dabei werden die Facies articularis calcanea media und die Facies articularis calcanea posterior durch die Sulcus tali getrennt.
The anklebone (talus) connects the foot with the leg. Its task is to transfer the forces generated by the body weight to the arch of the foot. It also forms the joint surface to the upper (Articulatio talocruralis) and lower ankle joint (Articulatio talotarsalis). It can be divided into two structures, the corpus tali and the ankle head (caput tali). On the upper side of the ankle bone there is a convex bone structure, the trochlea tali. Medial of this is the articular surface of the inner ankle (Facies malleolaris medialis). Lateral to this surface is a bony protrusion, the proc. posterior tali.
Lateral to the head of the ankle bone, the outer ankle is connected to the ankle bone via the lateral malleolar arteries. The proc. lateralis tali protrudes laterally from this surface. The joint surface for the scaphoid (Facies articularis navicularis) is located at the head of the ankle bone. The bone protrusion protruding backwards is called proc. posterior tali and is divided into two sections by the sulcus tendinis musculi flexoris hallucis longi. On the underside of the bone there are three joint surfaces, the facies articularis calcanea anterior, facies articularis calcanea media and facies articularis calcanea posterior. The articularis calcanea media and the articularis calcanea posterior are separated by the sulcus tali.
===Distale Fußwurzelknochen===
===Distal tarsal bones===
'''Os naviculare'''<br>
'''Os naviculare'''<br>
Der Os naviculare (Kahnbein) ist ein kleiner Kochen, der sich schienbeinseitig in der distalen Fußwurzelreihe befindet. Der Knochen ist leicht gewölbt und weist mittig eine Erhöhung (Tuberositas ossis navicularis) auf. Sein Durchmesser beträgt nur wenige Zentimeter. Er ist durch seine Form an der Bildung des Fußgewölbes beteiligt. Das Kahnbein weist sechs Seiten auf. Über diese steht der Knochen in Verbindung mit den drei Ossa cuneiformia (nach distal), dem Os cuboideum (nach distal) und dem Taluskopf (nach proximal). Die Flächen werden wie folgt bezeichnet: Facies anterior, Facies posterior, Facies superior, Facies inferior, Facies lateralis und Facies medialis.
The Os navicular (scaphoid) is a small bone that is located on the tibia side in the distal row of the tarsal. The bone is slightly arched and has a central elevation (Tuberositas ossis navicularis). Its diameter is only a few centimetres. Its shape is involved in the formation of the arch of the foot. The scaphoid has six sides. Via these the bone is connected to the three ossa cuneiformia (distal), the os cuboideum (distal) and the talus head (proximal). The surfaces are designated as follows: Facies anterior, posterior, superior, inferior, lateral and medial.
'''Os cuboideum'''<br>
'''Os cuboideum'''<br>
Das Würfelbein (Os cuboideum) befindet sich lateral in der distalen Fußwurzelreihe. Es hat eine pyramiden- oder würfelähnliche Form. Der Knochen weist die Facies plantaris auf. Diese ist durch eine Vertiefung, die Sulcus peronealis, geprägt. Über die Facies posterior artikuliert das Würfelbein mit dem Calcaneus. Die Facies anterior ist durch eine knöcherne Struktur in zwei Hälften geteilt. Die mediale Hälfte steht in Verbindung mit dem Os metatarsale IV, die Andere mit dem Os metatarsale V. Weiterhin sind am Würfelbein die Facies lateralis und die Facies medialis zu finden. Wobei die Facies medialis mit dem Os cuneiforme III in Verbindung steht.
The cuboid bone (Os cuboideum) is located laterally in the distal tarsal row. It has a pyramidal or cube-like shape. The bone has the facies plantaris. This is characterized by a depression, the sulcus peronealis. The cuboid bone articulates with the calcaneus via the facies posterior. The facies anterior is divided into two halves by a bony structure. The medial half is connected to the Os metatarsal IV, the other to the Os metatarsale V. Furthermore, the facies lateralis and the facies medialis are located on the cuboid bone. The facies medialis is connected to the Os cuneiforme III.
'''Ossa cuneiformia'''
'''Ossa cuneiformia'''
Die Ossa cuneiformia sind drei einzelne Knochen, Os cuneiforme laterale (laterales Keilbein), Os cuneiforme intermedium (intermediales Keilbein), Os cuneiforme mediale (mediales Keilbein). Die Knochen weisen einen sehr kleinen kompakten Aufbau auf. Dadurch zählen sie zu den Ossa brevia (kurze Knochen). Durch die prägnante Keilform des Os cueniforme intermedium und des Os cueniforme laterale wird das Fußquergewölbe gebildet.
The Ossa cuneiformia are three individual bones, Os cuneiforme laterale (lateral sphenoid bone), Os cuneiforme intermedium (intermedial sphenoid bone), Os cuneiforme mediale (medial sphenoid bone). The bones have a very small compact structure. Therefore they belong to the Ossa brevia (short bones).Due to the concise wedge shape of the Os cuneiforme intermedium and the Os cuneiforme laterale, the transverse arch of the foot is formed.
Die Fußwurzelknochen sind an der Bildung des Sprunggelenks beteiligt. Des Weiteren haben sie eine große Tragfunktion. Auf ihnen ruht der Großteil des menschlichen Gewichtes beim aufrechten Stand. An den Fußwurzelknochen haben viele Muskeln und Sehnen ihren Ursprung oder Ansatz.
The tarsal bones are involved in the formation of the ankle joint. Furthermore, they have a great load-bearing function. The majority of human weight rests on them when standing upright. Many muscles and tendons have their origin or attachment at the tarsal bones.
*[[Special:MyLanguage/Fußwurzelbruch|tarsal fracture]]
==Freie Exploration==
==Free exploration==
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<div style="float:left;margin-right:1em;"><segmenter-embedding public wsemb-id="TarsusFrau" file="TarsusFrau.seg" height="300" width="400"/></div>
<div style="float:left;width:50%">Schauen Sie sich die Struktur der Fußwurzelknochen in 3D an und explorieren Sie sie frei. Danach können Sie Ihr erlerntes Wissen mit den Übungsaufgaben überprüfen.</div>
<div style="float:left;width:50%">Look at the structure of the tarsal bones in 3D and explore them freely. Afterwards you can check your acquired knowledge with the exercises.</div>
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<ul>'''Weitere Artikel:'''<li class="mw-ui-button button_new" >[[Special:MyLanguage/Handwurzelknochen|HANDWURZELKNOCHEN]]</li><li class="mw-ui-button button_new" >[[Special:MyLanguage/Wirbelsäule|WIRBBELSÄULE]]</li></ul>
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<li class="button_article"><b>Further article</b></li>
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<li class="mw-ui-button button_normal">[[Special:MyLanguage/Handwurzelknochen|Carpal bones]]</li>
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<li class="mw-ui-button button_normal">[[Special:MyLanguage/Wirbelsäule|Spine]]</li>
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<ul>'''Weiterführende Links:'''<li class="mw-ui-button button_new">[https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuß WIKIPEDIA - FUSS]</li></ul>
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[[Category:Knochen Untere Extremität]]
[[Category:Bones Lower Extremity]]
[[Category:Untere Extremität]]
[[Category:Lower Extremity]]
[[Category:Body regions]]

Aktuelle Version vom 11. Mai 2022, 08:07 Uhr

The foot contains seven tarsal bones. They serve to carry the weight and are divided into distal and proximal foot bones.


Anatomy of the tarsal bones

Anatomy of the calcaneus and talus

The foot root (tarsus) lies between the lower leg and the metatarsus. It consists of seven individual bones. They are divided into the proximal and distal tarsal bones.

Proximal tarsal bones

The calcaneus (heel bone) is the largest tarsal bone and the site of attachment for the Achilles tendon, the thickest and strongest tendon in the human body. The shape of the calcaneus is similar to a cuboid. There is a bony projection at the rear end, the calcaneal tuberosity (tuber calcanei). This forms the heel of the foot. On the underside of the calcaneal tuberosity there are two bone structures that are directed forward. These are the Proc. medialis tuberis calcanei and the Proc. lateralis tuberis calcanei. The Proc. anterior calcanei is located at the front of the calcaneus. The articular facies cuboidea is located on it. This is the articular surface that articulates with the cuboid bone. Medial to the calcaneus there is a bony protrusion, the Sustentaculum tali. On top of it is the Facies articularis talaris media. The upper side of the calcaneus also has two other joint surfaces, the facies articularis talaris anterior and the facies articulas talaris posterior. The sulcus calcanei is located between the facies articularis talaris media and the facies articularis talaris posterior. The tarsi sinus is a tunnel-shaped channel formed between the calcaneus and the talus by two bony depressions (calcaneus and tali sulcus). In this channel there are several ligaments which are important for the stability of the ankle joint.

The anklebone (talus) connects the foot with the leg. Its task is to transfer the forces generated by the body weight to the arch of the foot. It also forms the joint surface to the upper (Articulatio talocruralis) and lower ankle joint (Articulatio talotarsalis). It can be divided into two structures, the corpus tali and the ankle head (caput tali). On the upper side of the ankle bone there is a convex bone structure, the trochlea tali. Medial of this is the articular surface of the inner ankle (Facies malleolaris medialis). Lateral to this surface is a bony protrusion, the proc. posterior tali. Lateral to the head of the ankle bone, the outer ankle is connected to the ankle bone via the lateral malleolar arteries. The proc. lateralis tali protrudes laterally from this surface. The joint surface for the scaphoid (Facies articularis navicularis) is located at the head of the ankle bone. The bone protrusion protruding backwards is called proc. posterior tali and is divided into two sections by the sulcus tendinis musculi flexoris hallucis longi. On the underside of the bone there are three joint surfaces, the facies articularis calcanea anterior, facies articularis calcanea media and facies articularis calcanea posterior. The articularis calcanea media and the articularis calcanea posterior are separated by the sulcus tali.

Distal tarsal bones

Os naviculare
The Os navicular (scaphoid) is a small bone that is located on the tibia side in the distal row of the tarsal. The bone is slightly arched and has a central elevation (Tuberositas ossis navicularis). Its diameter is only a few centimetres. Its shape is involved in the formation of the arch of the foot. The scaphoid has six sides. Via these the bone is connected to the three ossa cuneiformia (distal), the os cuboideum (distal) and the talus head (proximal). The surfaces are designated as follows: Facies anterior, posterior, superior, inferior, lateral and medial.

Os cuboideum
The cuboid bone (Os cuboideum) is located laterally in the distal tarsal row. It has a pyramidal or cube-like shape. The bone has the facies plantaris. This is characterized by a depression, the sulcus peronealis. The cuboid bone articulates with the calcaneus via the facies posterior. The facies anterior is divided into two halves by a bony structure. The medial half is connected to the Os metatarsal IV, the other to the Os metatarsale V. Furthermore, the facies lateralis and the facies medialis are located on the cuboid bone. The facies medialis is connected to the Os cuneiforme III.

Ossa cuneiformia The Ossa cuneiformia are three individual bones, Os cuneiforme laterale (lateral sphenoid bone), Os cuneiforme intermedium (intermedial sphenoid bone), Os cuneiforme mediale (medial sphenoid bone). The bones have a very small compact structure. Therefore they belong to the Ossa brevia (short bones).Due to the concise wedge shape of the Os cuneiforme intermedium and the Os cuneiforme laterale, the transverse arch of the foot is formed.


The tarsal bones are involved in the formation of the ankle joint. Furthermore, they have a great load-bearing function. The majority of human weight rests on them when standing upright. Many muscles and tendons have their origin or attachment at the tarsal bones.


Free exploration

Look at the structure of the tarsal bones in 3D and explore them freely. Afterwards you can check your acquired knowledge with the exercises.

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