Hüftbein/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus Dornheim Anatomy
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(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „The acetabulum is the socket for the hip joint. It has a cup-like shape and is located in the lateral pelvic area. Due to the formation from the os ilium, the…“)
Zeile 59: Zeile 59:
Beim Acetabulum handelt es sich um die Gelenkpfanne für das Hüftgelenk. Es hat eine napf-ähnliche Form und befindet sich im lateralen Beckenbereich. Durch die Bildung aus dem Os ilium, dem Os ischii und dem Os pubis weist das Acetabulum eine Y-förmige Knochenfuge auf. Die Knochenkante, die das Acetabulum umschließt, wird Limbus acetabuli genannt. Diese ist am distalen Rand durch die Incisura acetabuli unterbrochen. In der Gelenkpfanne selber zeigt sich eine flache Vertiefung, die Fossa acetabuli. Die umgebende Gelenkfläche hat eine halbmond-ähnliche Form und wird als Facies lunata acetabuli bezeichnet.
The acetabulum is the socket for the hip joint. It has a cup-like shape and is located in the lateral pelvic area. Due to the formation from the os ilium, the os ischii and the os pubis, the acetabulum has a Y-shaped bone joint. The bone edge that surrounds the acetabulum is called limbus acetabuli. It is interrupted at the distal edge by the incisura acetabuli. In the socket itself there is a shallow depression, the fossa acetabuli. The surrounding joint surface has a crescent-like shape and is called facies lunata acetabuli.

Version vom 29. Mai 2020, 09:56 Uhr

The hip bone (Os coxae) is part of the pelvic girdle. It can be anatomically divided into three individual bones: the ilium (Os ilium), the ischium (Os ischii) and the pubic bone (Os pubis). There are clear gender-specific differences in the hip bone.


Views of the hip bone

Anatomy of the hip bone

The hip bone is divided into three individual bone sections: the ilium (Os ilium), the ischium (Os ischii) and the pubic bone (Os pubis). These three form the Y-shaped bone joint of the hip bone. At the hip bone is the acetabulum, the socket of the hip joint. The right and left hip bone meet at the front. There the pubic symphysis (symphysis pubica) is formed.


The ilium, or os ilium, represents the largest part of the hip bone and is located cranially. It is divided into iliac scoop (Ala ossis ilii) and iliac body (Corpus ossis ilii). These two parts are divided by the linea arcuata. The iliac crest has an outer surface, the facies glutealis, and an inner surface, the facies interna. The cranial edge of the ilium is exposed and is called the crista iliaca. This structure extends from the upper, front iliac spine (Spina iliaca anterior superior) to the upper, rear iliac spine (Spina iliaca posterior superior). At the rear edge of the iliac spine there is another bony protrusion, the spina iliaca posterior inferior. This lies below the spina iliaca posterior superior. At the anterior edge of the iliac crest there is also a further bony projection (spina iliaca anterior inferior). This is located below the spina iliaca anterior superior. The ilium forms the cranial part of the acetabulum.


The ischium (Os ischii) is divided into ischial branch (Ramus ossis ischii) and ischial body (Corpus ossis ischii). The ischial branch represents part of the boundary of the foramen obturatum. On the posterior side of the ischial branch there is a larger ischial tuberosity, the tuber ischiadicum. The ischial spine (spina ischiadica) is located on the ischial body. It separates the incisura ischiadica major and the incisura ischiadica minor.

Pubic bone

The pubic bone, also called os pubis, is divided into the body of the pubic bone (Corpus ossis pubis) and the upper and lower pubic branch (Rami superius and inferius). The pubic bone branches limit the foramen obturatum ventrally and caudally. The upper pubic branch is involved in the formation of the acetabulum. The two branches of the pubic bone include the angle of the pubic bone (Angulus subpubicus).


The acetabulum is the socket for the hip joint. It has a cup-like shape and is located in the lateral pelvic area. Due to the formation from the os ilium, the os ischii and the os pubis, the acetabulum has a Y-shaped bone joint. The bone edge that surrounds the acetabulum is called limbus acetabuli. It is interrupted at the distal edge by the incisura acetabuli. In the socket itself there is a shallow depression, the fossa acetabuli. The surrounding joint surface has a crescent-like shape and is called facies lunata acetabuli.


Das Hüftbein entwickelt sich in drei Abschnitten während der Embryonalmonate. Das Os ilium wird im dritten Fetalmonat angelegt. Das Os ischii folgt im vierten und fünften Fetalmonat. Als letztes entwickelt sich das Os pubis im fünften und sechsten Fetalmonat. Die Teile des Hüftbeins verschmelzen zwischen dem fünften und siebten Lebensjahr. Direkt im Acetabulum findet dies erst deutlich später statt. Die dortige Y-Fuge schließt sich erst mit 15 oder 16 Jahren.

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