Rib vertebra joints and thoracic movements
Rib vertebra joints
Movement axes of the rib vertebral joints
The movement axes of the cranial ribs are frontal and those of the caudal rib are more sagittal to the rib neck (collum costae). A rib movement in the upper part of the thorax thus increases the sagittal diameter and in the lower part the transverse diameter.
Vertebral arch joints (Articulatio zygapophysialis)
The connection between the individual vertebral arches is known as the vertebral arch joint. They are real joints and form a functional unit with the intervertebral discs (Disci intervertebrales) and the spinal ligaments. In addition, they determine the directions of movement, which are inclined to different degrees against the horizontal and vertical, depending on the spinal column section. The movement is always parallel to the joint surfaces.
At the edges of the joint surfaces the joint capsules originate, which are often grown together with the Lig. flavum.
The joint capsules are differently formed, so they are rather wide and flaccid in the area of the cervical spine, but noticeably narrower in the thoracic and lumbar segments.
Position of the joint surfaces of the vertebral arch joints in the different sections of the spine:
| cervical spine | thoracic spine | lumbar spine |
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Thoracic movements
Thoracic movement is the movement of the thorax during breathing (ventilation). There are two types of breathing: Abdominal or rib breathing.
The abdominal respiration is the energetically more favorable respiration due to the less expended muscle strength. This is why abdominal breathing is used almost exclusively for breathing at rest.
During physical exertion, the respiratory auxiliary muscles are used in addition to the two types of breathing. The respiratory auxiliary muscles include thoracic, neck, abdominal and shoulder girdle muscles.
An optimal effect is achieved by fixing the shoulder girdle.
With increasing age and thus decreasing elasticity of the thorax due to the mineralization of the cartilage, abdominal breathing becomes more important than rib breathing.
In general, the prerequisite for breathing is a change in the volume of the thorax. The diameter of the thorax is increased or decreased in both the sagittal and frontal directions.
Für die Einatmung (Inspiration) erfolgt eine Vergrößerung des Thoraxvolumens. Dies ist möglich durch die Kontraktion des Zwerchfells (kostodiaphragmale Atmung bzw. Bauchatmung) und das Anheben der Rippen (sternokostale Atmung bzw. Rippenatmung) unter Einfluss der Interkostalmuskulatur. Die Rippen sind über die Knorpel sehr beweglich. Für die Vergrößerung des Thoraxdurchmessers rotieren die Rippen um ihre Längsachse nach außen. Aufgrund des größeren Volumens kann die Lunge sich nun ausdehnen indem sie der Thoraxbewegungen folgt. Die Kapillarkräfte im Pleuraspalt ermöglichen dies. Die Luft strömt in die Atemwege und gleicht so den entstehenden Unterdruck aus.
Bei der Ausatmung (Expiration) wird das Thoraxvolumen verkleinert. Dies wird durch die Relaxation des Zwerchfells sowie der Senkung der Rippen erzielt. Die Lunge zieht sich aufgrund ihrer Eigenelastizität zusammen und kann durch den entstandenen Überdruck die Luft aus den Atemwegen pressen.
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