Chest muscles

Aus Dornheim Anatomy
Version vom 3. Januar 2020, 08:47 Uhr von Becher (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „'''Exercises'''“)
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Mm. intercostales, Mm. scaleni und M. transversus thoracis

The muscles Mm. intercostales and M. transversus thoracis belong to the autochthonous chest muscles, which are an important part of the respiratory muscles. The Mm. scaleni belong to the deep neck muscles. As they function as auxiliary breathing muscles, they are also explained here.

A schematic drawing of the muscles (Mm. intercostales, Mm. scaleni and M. transversus thoracis) can be displayed by clicking on the respective name in the "WebViewer".

autochthonous chest muscles - Mm. intercostales und M. transversus thoracis

Mm. intercostales externi Mm. intercostales interni M. transversus thoracis
origin Lower margin of a rib (Tuberculum costae up to Cartilage-bone junction) upper margin of a rib (Angulus costae to Sternum) inside rib cartilage of 2nd-6th rib
insertion upper margin of next deeper rib
progression: from posterior top to posterior bottom (Tuberculum costae to cartilage-bone junction)
lower edge of next highest rib
progression: from back bottom to front top (Angulus costae to sternum)
Inside of Corpus sterni and Processus xiphoideus sterni
function rib lifter (inspiration), tighten the interrib spaces;
stabilization of the thoracic wall
rib countersink (expiration); tighten the interrib spaces;
stabilization of the thoracic wall
Rib countersink (expiration)
innervation Nervi intercostales 1-11 Nervi intercostales 1-11 Nervi intercostales 2-6

Mm. scaleni

M. scalenus anterior M. scalenus medius M. scalenus posterior
origin Tubercula anteriora of the transverse processes of the 3rd-6th cervical vertebra Tubercula posteriora of the transverse processes of the 3rd - 7th cervical vertebra Tubercula posteriora of the transverse processes of the 5th-7th cervical vertebra
insertion Tuberculum musculi scaleni anterioris of the 1st rib 1st rib (dorsal of Sulcus arteriae subclaviae) Outside surface of the 2nd rib
  • Punctum mobile on the ribs: Inspiration (lifting of the upper ribs)
  • Fixed point on the ribs: one-sided contraction results in lateral flexion of the cervical spine to the ipsilateral side
  • Both-sided contraction results in ventral flexion of the neck
innervation direct branches from the spinal nerves cervical plexus and brachial plexus (C3-6)

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