
Aus Dornheim Anatomy
Version vom 2. Januar 2020, 09:51 Uhr von Becher (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „back to the overview“)
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Structure of the ulna


The ulna has a corpus (1) and one extremitas proximalis and distalis respectively. The Extremitas proximalis has a hook-shaped, roughened appendix, the Olecranon (2). In front is the Incisura trochlearis (3), which reaches up to the Processus coronoideus (4). Lateral is the Incisura radialis (5), into which the Circumferentia articularis (radii) is fitted.

At the transition to the body is the tuberosity ulnae (6).
The corpus ulnae is three-sided. At the caput ulnae (7) there is the circumferentia articularis (8). Distally, the ulna has a small appendix, the processus styloideus (9).

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