Aus Dornheim Anatomy
Version vom 29. Mai 2020, 08:45 Uhr von Podulski (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „<tr> <td>Br.</td> <td>Bronchus</td> <td>Bronchus</td> <td></td> </tr>“)
Acronyms are often used to shorten texts.
The acronyms of the anatomical terms serve to shorten the latin terms and anatomical descriptions. The abbreviations follow a certain scheme. The singular form corresponds to the first letters of the Latin word. The plural form is formed by repeating the last letter of the singular abbreviation. Since 1998 the naming of the anatomical structures of the human body follows the Terminologia Anatomica.
Main anatomical directions
Abbreviation | Full word | Meaning | |
A. | Arteria | Artery | |
Aa. | Arteriae | Arteries | |
V. | Vena | Vein | |
Vv. | Venae | Veins | |
M. | Musculus | Muscle | |
Mm. | Musculi | Muscles | |
N. | Nervus | Nerve | |
Nn. | Nervi | Nerves | |
Nl. | Nodus lymphoideus | Lymph node | |
Nll. | Nodi lymphoidei | Lymph nodes | |
Lig. | Ligament | Ligament | |
Ligg. | Ligamenta | Ligaments | |
R. | Ramus. | Ramus | |
Rr. | Rami | Ramus | |
Art. | Articulatio | Joint | |
Artt. | Articulationes | Joints | |
Gl. | Glandula | Gland | |
Gll. | Glandulae | Glands | |
D. | Ductus | Duct | |
Ggl. | Ganglion | Nerve node | |
Ggll. | Ganglien | Nerve nodes | |
C 1-7 | Vertebrae cervicales | Cervical vertebra | |
T/Th 1-12 | Vertebrae thoracicae | Thoracic vertebra | |
L 1-5 | Vertebrae lumbales | lumbar vertebra | |
Ln. | Lymphonodus | Lymph node | |
Lnn. | Lymphonodus | Lymph nodes | |
Ncl. | Nucleus | Nucleus | |
Ncll. | Nuclei | Nucleus | |
Pl. | Plexus | Network | |
Pll. | Plexus | Network | |
PNS | Peripheral nervous system | ||
ZNS | Central nervous system | ||
Tr. | Tractus | Tract | |
Trr. | Tractus | Tracts | |
Nd. | Nodus | Nodes | |
Proc. | Processus | Protrusion | |
Rad. | Radix | Radix | |
Tub. | Tuberculum | Tubercle | |
Ang. | Angulus | Angle | |
Apert. | Apertura | Opening | |
Br. | Bronchus | Bronchus | |
Dec. | Decus. | Kreuzung | |
Fasc. | Fasciculus | Bündel | |
f. | femininum | weiblich | |
fibr. | Fibrosus | faserreich | |
Junct. | Junctura | Knochenverbindung | |
Lam. | Lamina | Blatt | |
lymph. | lymphaticus | lymphatisch | |
m. | masculinum | männlich | |
membr. | membrana | Haut | |
p. | pars | Teil | |
segm. | Segmentum | Abschnitt | |
Sp. | Spina | Dorn | |
Str. | Stratum | Schicht | |
subst. | Substantia | Substanz | |
sut. | sutura | Naht | |
syn. | Synchondrosis | Knorpelhafte | |
synov. | synovialis | Gelenkinnenhaut | |
syst. | Systema | System | |
trig. | Trigonum | Dreieck | |
Tuberos. | Tuberositas | Rauhigkeit | |
Tun. | Tunica | Gewebeschicht | |
Vag. synov. | Vagia synovialis | Sehnenscheide | |
Vag. fibr. | vagina fibrosa | fibros verstärkte Sehnenscheide |
Abkürzungen anatomische Richtungen
Abkürzung | Volles Wort | Bedeutung | |
ant. | anterior | vorderer | |
dext./dex. | dexter | rechts (vom Patienten aus) | |
dors. | dorsalis | hinten, rückenwärt | |
ext. | externus | außen | |
inf. | inferior | unterer | |
int. | internus | innen | |
lat. | lateral | seitlich | |
min. | minimus | der Kleinste | |
post. | posterius | hinterer | |
prof. | profundus | tief | |
sin. | sinister | links | |
sup. | superior | oberer | |
superf. | superficialis | oberflächlich | |
ventr. | ventralis | vorn, bauchwärts | |
hyp. | Hyper | über |
Weitere Abkürzungen
Abkürzung | Volle Wort | Bedeutung | |
Anat. | Anatomia | Anatomie | |
Embryol. | Embryologia | Embrologie | |
scil. | Scilicet | vorausgesetzt |