
Aus Dornheim Anatomy
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From this perspective it is clearly visible how the Arcus aortae crosses the Truncus pulmonalis, where it divides into the A. pulmonalis sinistra and A. pulmonalis dextra. At this point the three major arteries branch off to the upper extremity and to the neck and skull: Truncus brachiocephalicus, A. carotis communis sinisra and A. subclavia sinistra. Also the orifices of the - usually four - Vv. pulmonales into the left atrium (Atrium sinistrum) and the two Vv. cavae into the right atrium (Atrium dextrum) are well visible. Also visible here is the sinus coronarius in the sulcus of the same name. This sinus is the collection vessel for the venous blood that is supplied to the heart via the Vv. cardiacae.