
Aus Dornheim Anatomy
Version vom 2. Januar 2020, 10:05 Uhr von Becher (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „back to the overview“)
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Structure of the radius

The radius can be divided into the shaft, corpus radii (1), one extremitas proximalis and one extremitas distalis. The Caput radii (2) with the Fovea articularis (3) is located at the Extremitas proximalis. Medially located at the transition between Collum radii (4) and Corpus radii is the Tuberositas radii (5).


The Corpus radii has an approximately three-sided cross-section. The Facies lateralis has a differently well developed roughness in the middle third of the shaft, the Tuberositas pronatoria. This is where the M. pronator teres begins.

At the distal end (Extremitas distalis) there is a bone protrusion, the styloid process (Processus styloideus radii (6)). This is where the M. brachioradialis begins. On the medial side of the distal end is a notch, the Incisura ulnaris (7). It is there for the head of the ulna. The widening distal end of the radius has the articulation surface Facies articularis carpalis (8). The carpal bones adjoin it.

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