Translations:Rippenwirbelgelenke und Thoraxbewegungen/8/en

Aus Dornheim Anatomy
Version vom 3. Januar 2020, 08:35 Uhr von Becher (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „<br> The connection between the individual vertebral arches is known as the vertebral arch joint. They are real joints and form a functional unit with the inte…“)
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The connection between the individual vertebral arches is known as the vertebral arch joint. They are real joints and form a functional unit with the intervertebral discs (Disci intervertebrales) and the spinal ligaments. In addition, they determine the directions of movement, which are inclined to different degrees against the horizontal and vertical, depending on the spinal column section. The movement is always parallel to the joint surfaces. At the edges of the joint surfaces the joint capsules originate, which are often grown together with the Lig. flavum. The joint capsules are differently formed, so they are rather wide and flaccid in the area of the cervical spine, but noticeably narrower in the thoracic and lumbar segments.