Translations:Vordere und hintere Bauchwandmuskeln/2/en

Aus Dornheim Anatomy
Version vom 3. Januar 2020, 08:51 Uhr von Becher (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „The anterior and posterior abdominal wall muscles are composed of the '''anterior, straight''' (''M. rectus abdominis'' and ''M. pyramidalis'') and the '''post…“)
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The anterior and posterior abdominal wall muscles are composed of the anterior, straight (M. rectus abdominis and M. pyramidalis) and the posterior, deep (M. quadratus lumborum and M. psoas major) abdominal wall muscles. The M. psoas major forms together with the M. iliacus the M. iliopsoas. Only the M. psoas major belongs topographically to the posterior abdominal wall muscles. Functionally, the M. psoas major belongs to the hip muscles.