
Aus Dornheim Anatomy
Version vom 3. Januar 2020, 14:15 Uhr von Becher (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „The spleen lies intraperitoneally in the left upper abdomen. Between the strong connective tissue threads that run into the interior of the organ lies an arran…“)
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The spleen lies intraperitoneally in the left upper abdomen. Between the strong connective tissue threads that run into the interior of the organ lies an arrangement of reticular connective tissue formed by fibroblasts (splenic pulp). The splenic pulp is divided into the red and white pulp. The shape of the spleen is very variable. However, it is surrounded by a relatively solid, connective tissue capsule, which is why its outer shape is quite constant and reminiscent of a coffee bean. It is about 7 cm wide, 4 cm high and 11 cm long.
The red pulp is strongly supplied with blood in the living organ (high number of erythrocytes), hence the name and colour. It makes up the largest part of the parenchyma.
The white pulp, on the other hand, contains lymphocytes and is therefore part of the lymphatic system. They have the task of immunological defence reaction.