Translations:Knochen Obere Extremität/3/en
Aus Dornheim Anatomy
Version vom 5. Februar 2020, 16:02 Uhr von Podulski (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „---- ==Overview== The combination of the bones from shoulder girdle and the free limb form the skeleton of the upper ex…“)
The combination of the bones from shoulder girdle and the free limb form the skeleton of the upper extremity. The shoulder girdle consists of Clavicula (Collarbone) and Scapula (shoulder blade). It forms the connection of the arm to the Trunk. The Humerus (humerus) represents the longest bone in this region. It is followed by the Forearm Bone (Radius and Ulna). The Hand Bone are divided into the Ossa metacarpi, Ossa carpi and Ossa digitorum. The free upper extremity is divided into Brachium (upper arm), Antebrachium (lower arm) and Manus (hand). The hand itself is also subject to a structural three-division into Carpus (wrist), Metacarpus (middle hand) and Digiti manus (finger).