
Aus Dornheim Anatomy
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Acronyms are often used to shorten texts.
    Superordinated articles:
  • Basics


The acronyms of the anatomical terms serve to shorten the latin terms and anatomical descriptions. The abbreviations follow a certain scheme. The singular form corresponds to the first letters of the Latin word. The plural form is formed by repeating the last letter of the singular abbreviation. Since 1998 the naming of the anatomical structures of the human body follows the Terminologia Anatomica.

Main anatomical directions

Abbreviation Full word Meaning
A. Arteria Artery
Aa. Arteriae Arteries
V. Vena Vein
Vv. Venae Veins
M. Musculus Muscle
Mm. Musculi Muscles
N. Nervus Nerve
Nn. Nervi Nerves
Nl. Nodus lymphoideus Lymph node
Nll. Nodi lymphoidei Lymph nodes
Lig. Ligament Ligament
Ligg. Ligamenta Ligaments
R. Ramus. Ramus
Rr. Rami Ramus
Art. Articulatio Joint
Artt. Articulationes Joints
Gl. Glandula Gland
Gll. Glandulae Glands
D. Ductus Duct
Ggl. Ganglion Nerve node
Ggll. Ganglien Nerve nodes
C 1-7 Vertebrae cervicales Cervical vertebra
T/Th 1-12 Vertebrae thoracicae Thoracic vertebra
L 1-5 Vertebrae lumbales lumbar vertebra
Ln. Lymphonodus Lymph node
Lnn. Lymphonodus Lymph nodes
Ncl. Nucleus Nucleus
Ncll. Nuclei Nucleus
Pl. Plexus Network
Pll. Plexus Network
PNS Peripheral nervous system
ZNS Central nervous system
Tr. Tractus Tract
Trr. Tractus Tracts
Nd. Nodus Nodes
Proc. Processus Protrusion
Rad. Radix Radix
Tub. Tuberculum Tubercle
Ang. Angulus Angle
Apert. Apertura Opening
Br. Bronchus Bronchus
Dec. Decus. Crossing
Fasc. Fasciculus Bundle
f. femininum Female
fibr. Fibrosus fibers
Junct. Junctura bone connection
Lam. Lamina lamina
lymph. lymphaticus lymphatic
m. masculinum Male
membr. membrana Membrane
p. pars Part
segm. Segmentum Section
Sp. Spina Thorn
Str. Stratum Shift
subst. Substantia Substance
sut. sutura Seam
syn. Synchondrosis Cartilaginous
synov. synovialis Synovial membrane
syst. Systema Systeme
trig. Trigonum Triangle
Tuberos. Tuberositas Roughness
Tun. Tunica Tissue layer
Vag. synov. Vagia synovialis Tendon sheath
Vag. fibr. vagina fibrosa Fibros reinforced tendon sheath

Abbreviations anatomical directions


Abbreviation Full word Meaning
ant. anterior front
dext./dex. dexter right (from the patient's side)
dors. dorsalis at the back
ext. externus external
inf. inferior lower
int. internus inside
lat. lateral side
min. minimus the smallest
post. posterius behind
prof. profundus deep
sin. sinister left
sup. superior upper
superf. superficialis surface
ventr. ventralis vorn, bauchwärts
hyp. Hyper über

Weitere Abkürzungen

Abkürzung Volle Wort Bedeutung
Anat. Anatomia Anatomie
Embryol. Embryologia Embrologie
scil. Scilicet vorausgesetzt

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